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65 results for *
Sign for Abbe's Inn
William Rice
about 1822
Collection of Morgan B. Brainard. Gift of Mrs. Morgan B. Brainard., 1961.63.47  Photograph by D…
about 1826-1842
Collection of Morgan B. Brainard. Gift of Mrs. Morgan B. Brainard 1961.63.9  © 2005 The Connect…
Captain Edward Bull
Gift of Miss Susan M. Loomis, 1896.7.0  Photograph by Williamstown Art Conservation Center  © 2…
Uriah Hayden
Gift of Rufus S. Mathewson, 1841.110  Photograph by Williamstown Art Conservation Center.  © 20…
General Israel Putnam
about 1768
Collection of Morgan B. Brainard. Gift of Mrs. Morgan B. Brainard, 1961.63.42  Photograph by Wi…
Joseph Read III
Collection of Morgan B. Brainard. Gift of Mrs. Morgan B. Brainard, 1961.63.8
Ambrose Kirtland
about 1771
Collection of Morgan B. Brainard. Gift of Mrs. Morgan B. Brainard, 1961.63.7 © 2008 The Connect…
Captain Aaron Bissell Sr.
Collection of Morgan B. Brainard. Gift of Mrs. Morgan B. Brainard, 1963.611.12  Photograph by W…
Deodate Bement
about 1786-1810
Sign for Blatchly's Inn
Moses Blatchly Jr.