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George Frederick Wright

Artist Info
George Frederick WrightAmerican, 1828 - 1881

George Frederick Wright was a portrait painter who worked primarily in Connecticut and Illinois.

He painted Abraham Lincoln shortly after Lincoln's nomination for presidency in 1860. The painting was said to be Lincoln's favorite. He purchased it as a gift for William Butler, the state treasurer of Illinois and a close Springfield friend.

8 results
Gift of Edgar Welles, 1905.1.1, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History, No known copyright
Gideon Welles
On deposit from the State of Connecticut, 1860.2.0, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History, …
George Frederick Wright
Connecticut Historical Society collection, 2009.43.0  © 2010 The Connecticut Historical Society…
Joseph Andrews
Probably 1855
Gift of Alice Welles, 1933.21.2, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History, No known copyright
George Frederick Wright
about 1864
Connecticut Museum of Culture and History collection, 1987.288.0, Connecticut Museum of Culture…
General Israel Putnam
Gift of George Frederick Wright, 1854.1.0, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History, No known …
George Frederick Wright
Gift of Alice Welles, 1933.1.3, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History, No known copyright
Sarah Matilda Brainerd
Gift of Mrs. Harriet Day Hansel, 1927.1.0, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History, No known …
George Frederick Wright
about 1873