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Joseph I. Cantarow

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Joseph I. CantarowRussian, 1873 - 1948

Joseph I. Cantarow was born in Russia. His father was a physician; he sent Joseph and his brother, Daniel, to Algeria to study, so they would not be forced into the Czar's Army. Joseph Cantarow was trained as a pharmacist, but he later became a chiropractor. Eventually, the Cantarows came to Hartford, Connecticut, and Joseph opened several drug stores. After he had a store up and running, he would sell it to a family member, then open a new store in another neighborhood. Thus, he set several members of the family up in business in Connecticut. Joseph Cantarow had at least one son, Peter Cantarow.

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Joseph I. Cantarow
Joseph I. Cantarow
Monocle and Case
Joseph I. Cantarow