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Royse School

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Royse SchoolAmerican, 1799 - 1824

Founded by Lydia Bull Royse (1772-1832), the Royse School in Hartford, was first advertised in the Connecticut Courant on 17 June 1799. Lydia founded the school with her recently widowed mother Lydia Bull after her husband John Royse (1772-1798) died. She closed the school in 1816 when her daughter Eliza Lydia Royse married George Sheldon. Lydia Bull Royse attempted to re-open the school in 1817 after Sheldon's death. By 1818 Lydia Bull Royse abandoned teaching, but her daughter opened at school with a Mrs. Grosvenor while Lydia Bull Royse took care of Eliza Lydia Sheldon's child. The partnership of Mrs. Grosvenor and Lydia Bull Royse continued until about 1824.

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Gift of the estate of Mabel H. Talcott, 1956.57.1a-c  Photograph by David Stansbury.  © 2009 Th…
Eliza Talcott
about 1810