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Colonel Samuel Belcher

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Colonel Samuel BelcherAmerican, 1779 - 1849

Colonel Samuel Belcher was born in Bellingham, Massachusetts on 14 June 1779, the son of David Belcher from Wrentham, Massachusetts and Thompson, Connecticut and Rachel Burr Belcher. He moved to Hartford before 1821, when his name appears in land records from that year. He became a builder in Hartford, building most notably the Ellington Meeting House and the William Noyes and John Sill houses in Old Lyme, Connecticut. From 1824 to 1829, he was the commander of the First Regiment of Calvary. Colonel Samuel Belcher married Pamela Belcher, born in Hartford, 31 August 1823. He died in Hartford on 30 August 1849, at 70 years of age.

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Gift of Sarah E. Davis, 1898.2.0, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History, No known copyright
Colonel Samuel Belcher
about 1839