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Captain Lemuel White

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1924.2.0  © 2014 The Connecticut Historical Society.
Captain Lemuel WhiteAmerican, 1762 - 1843

Captain Lemuel White, son of Lemuel and Martha Loomis White of Bolton, Maryland, was born in East Hartford, Connecticut, on 1 November 1762. According to Bates card, he joined the expedition to Rhode Island under General Sullivan at age 14, was captured by the British and confined on the prision ship "Jersey", and escaped from it with the help of a British officer to whom he had performed a great service.

Captain White was a sea-captain in the China trade. Later, he returned to East Hartford, where he was a merchant, post-master, and a justice of the peace. He married his first wife, Mary Buckland (d. 12 May 1790), on 1 June 1789. They had one child, Buckland. On 25 June 1793, Captain White married his second wife, Mary Wells (d. 1 September 1845), daughter of John and Jerusha Pitkin Wells. They had three children; Wells, James Wells, and Mary. Captain Lemuel White died on 8 December 1843 at the age of 81.

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Gift of Mary E. Lee White, 1924.2.0, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History, No known copyri…
Captain Lemuel White
about 1915
Gift of Sara White Lee, 1950.234.0  © 2014 The Connecticut Historical Society.
Captain Lemuel White