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Connecticut Cultural Heritage Arts Program collection, 2015.196.497.1, Connecticut Historical S…
Uniqua Jones
Connecticut Cultural Heritage Arts Program collection, 2015.196.497.1, Connecticut Historical Society, Copyright Undetermined

Uniqua Jones

BiographyUniqua Jones was an alumna of Mas Camp 2011, where her maturity and ability really stood out. Uniqua attended the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts half day program in Theater, and took ballet classes at the University of Hartford Hartt Community Division. In 2012, she came to Mas Camp to volunteer, and ended up becoming a role model for the teens in costume making and Assistant Dance Instructor in 2012 and 2013, encouraging the girls to develop and follow dance routines. Uniqua helped to choreograph the dance production that won first place at the West Indian Parade in 2013.
Person TypeIndividual