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Keimani Delpeche

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Keimani DelpecheTrinidadian

A Trinidad native and now a Hartford resident Keimani “Q” Delpeche was a member of the world renowned D’Midas and Associates Mas Band for 25 years. He started at age 11 hanging around the Mas camp like many Trinidadian kids do and took a liking to making carnival costumes. He learned from the teaching of master artist Stephen Derek and other workers around the camp. Q has mastered all aspects of the art of making costumes: designing to the theme, wire bending, braiding, gluing, covering, etc. At age 21 he became a traveling instructor, teaching in New York City, San Francisco, Miami, and most Caribbean Islands including St. Thomas, Antigua, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Jamaica, and St. Croix. He did what he liked most: teaching and passing on the art of making costumes to kids and young adults alike. In 2002, he, along with other members of D’Midas and Associates from Boston, participated in the Hartford Carnival Parade. Q was the main designer and builder for the Queen costume made in the 2011 Mas Camp and since then designed and constructed the large and flamboyant multi-part wire-framed Queen, Junior Queen, Section Leader, and Frontline costumes, with input and assistance from the students who help to position and attach trim, beads, and feathers. Q also curated the Mas costume exhibits each year. His ultimate goal is to pass the art on to young Caribbean people and to educate other ethnic groups so they may aid in spreading the cultural heritage of Trinidad and Tobago.

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24 results
Connecticut Cultural Heritage Arts Program collection, 2015.196.497.1, Connecticut Historical S ...
Harold Springer
2011 August 3
Connecticut Cultural Heritage Arts Program collection, 2015.196.498.1, Connecticut Historical S ...
Keimani Delpeche
2011 August 12
Connecticut Cultural Heritage Arts Program collection, 2015.196.505.1, Connecticut Historical S ...
Keimani Delpeche
2012 August 3
Connecticut Cultural Heritage Arts Program collection, 2015.196.517.1, Connecticut Historical S ...
Keimani Delpeche
2015 July 28
Connecticut Cultural Heritage Arts Program collection, 2015.196.979.1, Connecticut Historical S ...
Keimani Delpeche
2018 August 10
Connecticut Cultural Heritage Arts Program collection, 2015.196.537.1, Connecticut Historical S ...
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2018 August 8
Connecticut Cultural Heritage Arts Program collection, 2015.196.539.1, Connecticut Historical S ...
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2018 August 15