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Kellogg Brothers

Artist Info
Kellogg Brothers1860 - 1865

Edwin Pomeroy Kellogg was born in West Springfield, MA on 24 November 1830. On 7 September 1852, he married Ann Maria Greenleaf of Rockville, CT. She died on 23 January 1864 and on 5 October 1865, he married Emma Maton Gwillin of Hartford. In March 1860, he had moved to Hartford and opened a business as a photographer and dealer in art materials in partnernship with his brother, Julius Augustus. Julius Augustus Kellogg was born in West Springfield, MA on 7 October 1834. He married Abigail Jane Helme of Providence, RI on 19 December 1865. At about the time of this marriage, his partnership with his brother Edwin was dissolved and he became a furniture dealer. Edwin subsequently became a dealer in pictures and frames. Julius Augustus Kellogg died in Hartford on 11 December 1901. Edwin and Julius Kellogg were not closely related to the Hartford lithographers with the same last name.

25 results
Gift of Clifford T. Alderman  2012.233.62  © 2011 The Connecticut Historical Society.
Kellogg Brothers
Gift of Clifford T. Alderman  2012.233.80  © 2011 The Connecticut Historical Society.
Kellogg Brothers
Gift of Elizabeth W. Temple, 2011.63.49  © 2013 The Connecticut Historical Society.
Kellogg Brothers
Gift of Clifford T. Alderman  2012.233.11  © 2011 The Connecticut Historical Society.
Kellogg Brothers
Gift of Clifford T. Alderman  2012.233.73  © 2011 The Connecticut Historical Society.
Kellogg Brothers
Gift of Clifford Alderman, 2008.31.1.23-.24   © 2008 The Connecticut Historical Society.
Daniel S. Camp
Gift of Clifford T. Alderman  2012.233.53  © 2011 The Connecticut Historical Society.
Kellogg Brothers
Eliphalet Bulkeley
Kellogg Brothers
Gift of Mrs. George Wells Cheney, Jr., 1991.54.41, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History, C…
Emily Frances Cheney
about 1861
Gift of Katie Sellek, 2016.97.5, Connecticut Historical Society, No Known Copyright
Kellogg Brothers
Gift of Katie Sellek, 2016.97.24, Connecticut Historical Society, No Known Copyright
Kellogg Brothers