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Asa P. Fitch

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Asa P. FitchAmerican, 1848 - 1916

Asa P. Fitch was born in Andover, January 6, 1848, and attended the public schools of that town as well as a select school in Willimantic. After teaching school for a time in 1874, he entered the employ of the Connecticut Western Railroad first in Winsted and after in Hartford. In the latter place he served as freight agent for nearly fifteen years. In 1893, he formed a connection with the Hartford Fire Insurance Co., and remained with them until his death on March 29, 1916.

Raised in Warren Lodge, January 11, 1871, he affiliated with Manchester Lodge No. 73, April 11, 1876 and later in June 29, 1885, with Hartford Lodge, No. 88. In 1880, he was Senior. Warden of Manchester Lodge and in 1888, he was Worshipful Master of No. 88. He was Secretary and an active promoter of the Hartford County Past Masters' Association. His name appears also in the membership of Pythagoras Chapter No. 17, R. A. M., Wolcott Council No.1, R. & S. M., and Washington Commandery No.1, K. T., all of Hartford.

After serving as District Deputy for Hartford County in 1895 and 1896 he was appointed Grand Junior Steward in 1897. Passing through the chairs he became Grand Master in 1905.

Brother Fitch was a constant attendant at Hartford Lodge, serving as Marshal from 1912 to his death. He frequently served on Grand Lodge Committees. His interest in the "gentle craft" was keen and life long.

Source: Connecticut Freemasons Grand Lodge of Connecticut A. F. & A. M. website

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Gift of anonymous, 1983.9.18 © 2017 The Connecticut Historical Society.
Whitehead and Hoag Company
Gift of anonymous, 1983.9.34 © 2017 The Connecticut Historical Society.
Whitehead and Hoag Company