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An Evil Tree or The Natural Heart.
An Evil Tree or The Natural Heart.

An Evil Tree or The Natural Heart.

Printer (American, 1830 - 1840)
Publisher (American, 1830 - 1840)
MediumLithography; printer's ink and watercolor on wove paper
DimensionsPrimary Dimensions (image height x width): 12 15/16 x 10in. (32.9 x 25.4cm)
Sheet (height x width): 13 7/8 x 10in. (35.2 x 25.4cm)
Credit LineGift of Samuel St. John Morgan
DescriptionA bare and leafless tree stands in a barren landscape, with a broken tree stump at the left. A label on the roots of the tree reads "Unbelief"; the trunk reads "Pride" and "Self Will". The largest branches are labeled "Lust of the Eye" "Pride of Life" "Lust of the Flesh". Numerous fruits hanging from the otherwise bare branches are labeled "Love / of the / World" "Love / of Plea / sure" "Blindne / s of He- /art" "Love of / Praise" "Love of / Honor" "Lascivio / usness" "Vain / glory" "Selflove" "Evil / Desires" "A / Wanton / Eye" "Fornic / ation" "Indul / gence" "Unclea / nness" Unprofit / able Conv / ersation" "Lightness / of / Spirit" "Discon- / tent" "Mistrust / ing" "Love of / Money" "Envy" "Unmerci / fulness" "Mistrust" "Mistrust- / ing" "Foolish / Jesting" "Resist- / ing the / truth" "Boasting" "High m /indedness" "Idle / ness" "Adult / ry" "Incest" "Reveling" "Drunk / eness" "Gluttnoy [sic]" "Surmis / ing" "Prejudice" "Scoffing / at Religi / on" "Despi / sing Good / Men" "Unthank / fulness" "Theft" "Deceit" "Sabbath / brake- / ing" "Cursing" "Swear / ing" "Despite / fulness" "Judging" "Anger" "Sodomy" "Bestiality" "Hatred" "Strife" "Wrath" "Blasphe / my" "Back / biting" "Deny / ing the / Lord" "Disbelie / ving the / Word" "Extorti / on" "Oppres / sion" "Sacrilege" "Arianism" "Socinia / nism" "Deism" "Dis / obedient / to Parents" "Heresy / scism" "Slander / ing" "Lying" "Murder" "Despair" "Rebell- / ion" "Atheism" "Presum / tion [sic]"j "Antino / mianism" "Witch / craft". Dark clouds at the upper left are labeled "WRATH". A large snake is coiled in the lower branches of the tree. A bird flies off to the right. Flames and smoke issue from the ground at the right. A lake or pond and a hill or mountain are in the background.

Object number1950.202.167
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